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A brief and growing list of books that we find helpful


  • Stephen Cory Tribal Peoples For Tomorrows World, 2011, Freeman Press

  • John A Grim (Ed) Indigenous Traditions and Ecology, 2001, Harvard University

  • Graham Harvey Animism: Respecting the Living World, 2005, Hurst

  • Graham Harvey (Ed) The Handbook of Contemporary Animism, 2013, Acumen

  • Bron Taylor (Ed) Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (2 Vols), 2008, Continuum


Indigenous Theological Reflection


  • Vine Deloria Jr. God Is Red: a Native view of religion, 2003, Fulcrum Publishing

  • Steve Heinrichs (Ed) Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry: conversations on creation, land justice, and life together, 2013, Herald Press

  • Rev. Maori Marsden (C Royal - Ed) The Woven Universe, 2003, Te Wananga-o-Raukawa

  • Rainbow Spirit Elders Rainbow Spirit Theology: towards an Australian Aboriginal theology, 2007, ATF Press

  • George E Tinker An American Indian Theological Response to Ecojustice, in J Weaver (Ed) Defending Mother Earth: Native American perspectives on environmental justice, 1996, Orbis Books


Spirituality, Theology, Culture


  • David Abram The Spell of the Sensuous: perception and language in a more than human world, 1996, Vintage Books

  • David Abram Becoming Animal: an earthly cosmology, 2010, Vintage Books

  • Richard Bauckham Living with Other Creatures: green exegesis and theology, 2012, Paternoster

  • Ian Bradley The Celtic Way, 1993, Darton Longman & Todd

  • Graham Harvey Listening People, Speaking Earth: contemporary paganism, 1997, Hurst

  • Janet Hodgson & Jay Kothare Vision Quest: native spirituality & the church in Canada, 1990, Anglican Book Centre

  • Sally McFague The Body of God: an ecological theology,1993, Fortress

  • Noel Moules Fingerprints of Fire, Footprints of Peace: a spiritual manifesto from a Jesus perspective, 2012, Circle Books

  • Achiel Peelman Christ Is a Native American, 1995, Orbis Books

  • Bruce Stanley, Forest Church: a field guide to nature connection for groups and individuals, 2013, Mystic Christ Press
  • Shirley Toulson The Celtic Alternative: a reminder of the Christianity we lost, 1987, Century

  • Mark Wallace Finding God in the Singing River: Christianity, Spirit, Nature, 2005, Fortress

  • Mark Wallace Green Christianity: five ways to a sustainable future, 2010, Fortress




This trilogy is a helpful introduction to aspects of Animism in the form of the novel.


  • Daniel Quinn Ishmael: an adventure of the mind and spirit, 1992, Bantam Books

  • Daniel Quinn The Story of B: an adventure of the mind and spirit, 1996, Bantam Books

  • Daniel Quinn My Ishmael: a sequel, 1997, Bantam Books


Books and More

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