A brief and growing list of books that we find helpful
Stephen Cory Tribal Peoples For Tomorrows World, 2011, Freeman Press
John A Grim (Ed) Indigenous Traditions and Ecology, 2001, Harvard University
Graham Harvey Animism: Respecting the Living World, 2005, Hurst
Graham Harvey (Ed) The Handbook of Contemporary Animism, 2013, Acumen
Bron Taylor (Ed) Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (2 Vols), 2008, Continuum
Indigenous Theological Reflection
Vine Deloria Jr. God Is Red: a Native view of religion, 2003, Fulcrum Publishing
Steve Heinrichs (Ed) Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry: conversations on creation, land justice, and life together, 2013, Herald Press
Rev. Maori Marsden (C Royal - Ed) The Woven Universe, 2003, Te Wananga-o-Raukawa
Rainbow Spirit Elders Rainbow Spirit Theology: towards an Australian Aboriginal theology, 2007, ATF Press
George E Tinker An American Indian Theological Response to Ecojustice, in J Weaver (Ed) Defending Mother Earth: Native American perspectives on environmental justice, 1996, Orbis Books
Spirituality, Theology, Culture
David Abram The Spell of the Sensuous: perception and language in a more than human world, 1996, Vintage Books
David Abram Becoming Animal: an earthly cosmology, 2010, Vintage Books
Richard Bauckham Living with Other Creatures: green exegesis and theology, 2012, Paternoster
Ian Bradley The Celtic Way, 1993, Darton Longman & Todd
Graham Harvey Listening People, Speaking Earth: contemporary paganism, 1997, Hurst
Janet Hodgson & Jay Kothare Vision Quest: native spirituality & the church in Canada, 1990, Anglican Book Centre
Sally McFague The Body of God: an ecological theology,1993, Fortress
Noel Moules Fingerprints of Fire, Footprints of Peace: a spiritual manifesto from a Jesus perspective, 2012, Circle Books
Achiel Peelman Christ Is a Native American, 1995, Orbis Books
- Bruce Stanley, Forest Church: a field guide to nature connection for groups and individuals, 2013, Mystic Christ Press
Shirley Toulson The Celtic Alternative: a reminder of the Christianity we lost, 1987, Century
Mark Wallace Finding God in the Singing River: Christianity, Spirit, Nature, 2005, Fortress
Mark Wallace Green Christianity: five ways to a sustainable future, 2010, Fortress
This trilogy is a helpful introduction to aspects of Animism in the form of the novel.
Daniel Quinn Ishmael: an adventure of the mind and spirit, 1992, Bantam Books
Daniel Quinn The Story of B: an adventure of the mind and spirit, 1996, Bantam Books
Daniel Quinn My Ishmael: a sequel, 1997, Bantam Books