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Noel Moules

is a thinker, teacher and activist for peace, justice and deep ecology. He is creator and director of the Workshop programme for applied spirituality (, a founder member of the Anabaptist Network UK (, he is also an Associate Tutor at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham UK ( He is the author of the book 'Fingerprints of Fire, Footprints of Peace: a spiritual manifesto from a Jesus perspective'. Noel was born in India and spent his formative childhood years in the foothills and forests of the Himalaya. He loves interfaith conversation, world music and every kind of wilderness.


Helen Bradley

is a youth worker currently doing a Masters on the topic of Pagan/Christian dialogue, with a dual focus on practical theology and youth and community work. Helen is a community artist with experience in a wide variety of settings. She trained in Community Arts at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts. Helen is also passionate about fair trade and ethical living. Learn more about Helen from her website ( Helen is a founder member of Avalon Forest Church UK ( She is a contributor to the book, ‘Earthed’ edited by the Mystic Christ Network. Helen writes for, designs and is the Webmaster of this website.

About the Team

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